As a wedding photographer with a Vintage Flair at Relive Photography, I love accessories and especially “Vintage Accessories”. I thought it would be fun to show some different and unique items that can be used during your wedding day. I have just finished a Fashion Photo Shoot to show off these exact items. The bride can not only use these awesome custom made rings but also can use them as gifts for their bridal party. These rings have all been custom made by Wicked Peacock and are all created from antique estate jewelry which means that every one is a unique one of a kind. Also Wicked Peacock is a fabulous designer of Vintage Hair Accessories and Bridal Hair Accessories. Take a look at these items and please feel free to contact me to get a hold of this fabulous designer. Well, here they are!
Relive Photography by Laura Parent – Mandarin Oriental Hotel Bermuda at the GORGEOUS Elbow Beach — Laura and Justin got married at an exquisite beach front resort I always love going to the islands and just when landing at the airport you can see turquoise water for miles around. So picture that and the finest softest sandy beach with a pinkish hue to have as a spectacular backdrop while becoming husband and wife. Laura and Justin did just that! The day started out looking as though the dark clouds were going to bring a nasty storm our way. After all it was hurricane season in Bermuda and so it was a definite possibility. Luck was on our side and proved to be the ideal weather for a beach wedding.
Laura was so beautiful and she wore an antique necklace handed down from her grandmother. She had been so sweet towards Justin when her dad gave her away. Before the minister began his ceremony Laura grabbed Justin and gave him a huge hug and kiss. Then the minister proceeded! Justin was so in love with Laura and looked at her with pure joy in his eyes. He was so adorable after the ceremony was over and just kept admiring his wedding band (see attached photos) so so cute!
The reception was fabulous and everyone had an amazing time dancing and celebrating this perfect union. I was so happy to have been a part of their day and able to enjoy such a spectacular trip as well. Congratulations Laura and Justin!
What a wonderful wedding to shoot! The shot on the staircase is beautiful. I also love the textures on the last few pics. Well done!
Fantastic shoe shot Love the twist with the added texture
Beautiful imagery, Laura! I agree with Will – I do like the texture.
Thank you so much – I love hearing all of your thoughts. Fantastic!
Good article Thank you so much
Just love your photography … so very hard to pick a favorite or best of … all of your images are outstanding. Congrats!
I am so happy to hear all of these wonderful compliments. You guys are so nice and I am thrilled that you appreciate my art.
Beautiful … I especially love the photo of the couple kissing in the water on the beach. Nice, nice, work!
Brilliant work … you really managed to capture the beauty of Bermuda … but most importantly the awesome emotions of the couple with a gorgeous background.
Stunning! I love the spunky attitude in the couple as well–you captured it perfectly.
Alex and Karims Mykonos wedding was a perfect family celebration , the gentle winds touched everyone as did the speechs and tears, this was truly a beautiful wedding on Mykonos. The venue was Santa Marina Resort overlooking the Bay of Onos.The Santa Marina resort is surrounded by blue sky and the Aegean Sea. Mykonos is a picture-postcard come to life with its whitewashed churches, windmills, quaint cobbled streets and pristine beaches, this stunningly beautiful resort that captures the very essence of Greece. This place is a wedding photographers dream, I cant wait to go back.
Ian Johnson Photo | Destination Wedding Photographer
to see more amazing weddings from around the world click here
Great images! The location is just amazing!
Fabulous photos! Wish I could have been there … but your photos did a great job in doing that! Thanks!
Gorgeous and vibrant colors.
Isn’t Greece beautiful? Wow your photography is magnificent! Thanks so much for sharing!
Oh my goodness .. how every did you capture that beautiful blue sky? Amazing!
Wow– I just love the picture of the two if them on the pier. Talk about stunning!
Check out this 10 min video to see some highlights of the whole story.
And be sure to choose the HD version and click the little button to make it go to full screen.
If you have a slow internet connection, just pause the show and let it load for a while before you watch.
After corresponding for two years with Leroy and Amy it was great to finally meet them in person in Negril. We met on the day before the wedding at a beautiful cliff-side restaurant called Rick’s Cafe. After an evening of dinner and drinks, the party bus came and took us all back to the Rockhouse Resort. The party gathered again back by the pool…
The highlight of the evening was the Queh Queh ceremony (an old Guyana tradition) where everyone danced and sang songs in a circle around the bride and groom. Then the bride was taken away to a hiding place (which is easy to do at the Rockhouse since the place is like a maze anyway). Then everyone formed a long line behind the groom (still singing and dancing) and snaked around and around the area searching for the lost bride. And of course if she couldn’t be found then the wedding was off! Or so the tradition goes. I suppose in the old days this gave the bride one last chance to run for the hills! But Amy was in no mood to run and Leroy eventually found
her hiding in the shadows.
The wedding day had not a cloud in the sky and everything fell into place perfectly. Immediately after the ceremony we took some family group shots then did a couple shots of Amy & Leroy out on the cliffs with the sunset in the background. Amy was quite the trooper as Leroy and I helped her out across the razor sharp Coral rocks in her Jimmy Choo spike heels. I doubt Jimmy had that in mind when he designed those shoes. The shoes will never be the same but the light was so beautiful that I it was worth it.
The reception lasted far into the night. One of the most hilarious things I’ve ever seen in the several hundred weddings I’ve attended was the “dance-off” that took place very spontaneously between the local Jamaicans (the DJ and Rockhouse staff) and the Groom’s relatives from Guyana. Pictures simply don’t do justice to something as fast moving as this dance but I can tell you it was a RIOT! I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time.
As I was shooting table settings in the late evening, one of my 5D cameras (the one I’ve shot probably 200 weddings with) started making a funny noise when the shutter went off. When I held it over a table and took the lens off, the mirror fell out on the table! Yikes! I always bring two camera bodies so it wasn’t really a big deal. The next day I walked down the road looking for some super glue but the tiny little Jamaican stores in that area don’t carry too much in the way of glue – except for finger nail glue. Upon closer inspection, I realized this stuff was the same cyanoacrylate chemical as super glue so I took it back to my hotel room and glued the mirror back in place. It’s still going strong, but yes, I am overdue for a new camera body. Maybe I’ll convert this one to Infra Red.
Two days after the wedding (and barely recuperated from waaaay too much rum punch) Amy, Leroy and myself met up with my long time Jamaican friend Ricky, for a drive out into what I call “the real Jamaica.” We drove out to Roaring River where we swam in the river and got the royal tour from a very real Rasta. He chopped open fresh coconuts, pick local wild fruits and herbs, and even cooked us lunch in what was perhaps the most humble setting I’ve ever eaten anything. But the food and the Jungle and the swim in the river and the leisurely stroll through this humble pastoral village could not have possible been more filling both to our stomachs, and our souls.
More driving through the countryside and up into the hills along twisting bumpy rocky roads that would barely meet the standards of a goat trail in the US, finally brought us to a private bird sanctuary nestled back into the thick Jamaican jungle. We arrived late in the evening as the bird life was at it’s busiest. Strange calls floated out of the Jungle, and the strangest of them all was the high pitched twittering of the Doctor Bird, Jamaica’s national bird. Like Tinkerbell, this tiny creature seems so strange that it could easily have jumped right off the screen of a Disney movie. A tiny hummingbird that glows and sparkles iridescent green and blue as it rushes here and there on wings that twitter loudly sound as it darts through the thick tangle of forest branches. The iridescent green tail feathers split into a V and trail behind the tiny bird nearly a foot. So busy is it that most human activity goes completely ignored and it often passes so close that you can feel the wind from it’s tiny wings as it zooms past your face.
Leroy and Amy, I can’t thank you enough for inviting me to share in your Jamaican adventures.
Check out more YouTube videos from this photographer.
These are drop-dead gorgeous shots; my favorite, the couple in chairs, relaxing in the sunset.
Great shots Great website
These photos are amazing. I never would’ve considered a location wedding, but I feel as though you’ve sold the destination with these special shots.
This feels like a spread in Conde Naste… really. I feel like I have just taken an intimate journey to Jamaica … the real Jamaica and I loved every minute of it.
Oh my goodness. I just myself returned from a destination wedding in Jamaica (as a guest, not a photographer). Wish we would have known you before the wedding … absolutely love your work!
What a wonderful story and beautiful imagery. Gorgeous!
Beautiful, beautiful photos! I want to get on the next plane to Jamaica — the photos were so inviting.
Several photographers recently asked me a few of the most helpful branding tools in our creative arsenal. Since I like lists, especially when it comes to goals, things to do, and items to think about for improving our business, I’ve compiled a list of 22 branding tools in our marketing arsenal.

Copyright Kern-Photo 2009
Everything about our studio marketing/branding efforts is about communicating a consistent style. It has taken several years to build our brand and collateral, but in the end the clients see our efforts as a clear distinction between a hobby and a business. The numbers in the above image correspond to the notes below:
- Me. No one else can be me. My style reflects a large part of who I am.
- Pricing Menu. Know what you are worth and don’t be afraid to stick to it. This is the first item that makes it into a potential clients hands and I want it to reflect what we do. Designed by Purr Design, printed by PS Print.
- Sample albums. It is easy for a wedding photographer to show a few great images from a dozen weddings. But completed albums (plural) are important to show consistency, regardless of the weather on the wedding day, the cost of a wedding dress or flowers, or prestige of venue. We work with Graphistudio for many of our wedding client albums.
- Postcards. Keeping personal contact is sooo important. These WHCC 5″ square cards have an awesome pearl finish which makes ‘thank you’ notes shine!
- Business cards. This single most important piece of marketing collateral. It reflects style, branding, and has all the right ways to get in contact with me. If I was a piece of paper, front and back, this is me. Alan & Janet from Trion Promotion and Design hooked us up.

Copyright Kern-Photo 2009
6) iPhone. Clients can expect to hear back from me within 24 hours. Also, I love to share my portfolio on my iPhone if people ask.
7) Parent albums. After all is said and done, parents want to remember the wedding, too. While they many not want to hang up a bunch of photos on the wall, a brag book is the perfect way for them to share your work…. all in a way that scale’s itself in a big way over time.
8) Stickers. Custom logo stickers add a simple & classy touch to ordinary packaging materials. Less can be more. Kudos to Trion Promotion and Design, once again.
9) A bomb-proof contract. Lawyer-approved and created by a graphic designer, this is the single most important piece of paper in any business transaction. We got our start by working with Photographer’s Toolkit.

Copyright Kern-Photo 2009
10. Lens bag. Actually a Gregory bag intended for a woman’s purse, it also makes a great small camera & lens bag. The embroidering was about $35…. more than the cost of the bag. This thing is on my back when I’m out on engagement sessions, portrait sessions, and shooting weddings. It’s my alternative to a shootsac which has several soft zippers to keep gear lenses, card cases, wallet, and keys all safe when I’m on the run. I generally choose to hold my camera, sans strap, and choose to keep things simple and this works as a simple solution. Got it from REI.
11. Jacket. I like black. And I like staying warm in Colorado. This tool serves a triple purpose. This Costco jacket was purchased less than the cost of the embroidery on it. But the total value is far more, considering the awareness it brings when I’m running errands to the bank or post office. I booked clients just from the conversation which started about the logo on the jacket.

Copyright Kern-Photo 2009
12. CD tin. It holds up to 5 discs, makes it safe to mail high-resolution digital negatives in, and represents our signature aluminum inspired from Apple. Got ‘em from American-Digital.

Copyright Kern-Photo 2009
13. Paper clips. Yes, they are our logo color. Little things get noticed by detail-oriented people. Many of our brides love details.
14. Mailing Box. Perfect for mailing digital negatives, our pricing sheets. White tissue paper to wraps the disk inside with custom sticker outside. Get yours at Creative Gift Packaging.
15. Ribbon. Perfect for wrapping albums. Coordinated with logo colors. Purchased at Costco.

Copyright Kern-Photo 2009
16. Office sign. We never forget who we work for.
17. Rubber stamp. Great to stamping boxes, folders. A cost-effective alternative to stickers on colored boxes.
18. FlipVideo. Great for filming digital shorts during workshops, speakers, or tutorials. Also, ever watch yourself shoot with clients? It’ll improve the way you move more than you think (I learned this from a recent Mike Larson workshop).
19. MacBook Pro. On the go editing, sharing photos, and the digital darkroom of Kern-Photo. Tons of RAM and hard drive space make editing a breeze.
20. Fleece blanket. Goes under the 23″ Apple cinema display for important wedding reception slideshows, a huge part of our word-of-mouth marketing effort. Blanket serves dual role for wrapping around monitor in traveling case.
21. Watermark. Reinforces the brand on every image we post on the blog or Facebook. Also, keeps people from ripping off our images.
22. Checks. Small-business banks will print your name on a check, generally for free, which reflects far more professionalism than a personal check. Also, many banks will provide you with a rubber stamp to endorse your business name on the back of a check. A side note, this is a framed check from our most successful month.
What’s missing?
Cameras, lenses, lighting equipment won’t do as much for your business as marketing efforts. Investing in good branding materials will make you more money than a fancy lens or camera ever will.
A few tips if you are just starting out in your branding: choose a logo that reproduces as well in embroidery, in black in white, and in print as it does for the web. That is about $500 in advice, trust us. It is easy to make something that looks good on screen, but when you make a rubber stamp or patch out of a logo, it may not look as good as it does on-screen, especially those important tiny details in your logo. In addition, expect slight differences will result between color spaces (RGB vs CMYK) and manufacturer’s colors. Work with good people and you’ll have no problem. Work with people that will “give you a good deal,” well… that may be another issue.
What great ideas! I love the embroidery on the “camera bag” and the DVD cases are display-worthy. Paper clips, ribbons and special papers — small details that surely make all of your brides feel like royalty.
Super run down of marketing tools. Half of these I have not really thought of as marketing tools, but you’re right, they might as well be turned into marketing tools! You’ve done a great job making an attractive logo and making it apparent where ever you can.
thanks for sharing. it’s a great reminder for me to finish off a few more items in my studio with my logo, feel like I’m about 90% there!
[…] justified in doing so. Feel free to check out our listing and also see a featured blog post about 22 branding tools in our marketing arsenal, specifically written to offer up ideas for other wedding photographers in the […]
Some great ideas definately need to think about all of these. No … definately have to implement these in my business
I recently found your blog through a Google search … and am so GLAD I found it! This is quite incredible of you to provide these tips on branding to aspiring new photographers. Thanks for sharing your tips and secrets. It’s so nice to find someone who believes in ‘payihg it forward’.
Great stuff! Thanks so much for sharing these insights and practices.
Great blog you have here, I’ll come back soon
Very comprehensive. I think the iPhone as put FlipVideo out of business, though. As an owner of a Flip Cam, during it’s time you couldn’t beat the ease of shooting and uploading to a PC or Mac. Now, as far a marketing goes, the iPhone and it’s rapid ability to upload video to Facebook and Instagram, as pretting much wiped FlipVideo out.
NiCe ArT!
Nice after effects…great finish and look..nice Art
Amazing work …. especially your lead image!
Ditto — great art. Looks like lots of fun!
All of your work is incredible, artistic and wonderful … but I completely loved your first image the most!!!
Wow, I love the fireplace one. So amazing, I love everything about it.
Very, very unique and splendid.
Such amazing work, angles — so modern and bold!! Fantastic work!
Wow, these are so great! Modern, yet vintage. Sexy, yet unrevealed. I absolutely love the personality that is shown through these! Was this part of a wedding session? If not, it’s a neat spin on a bridal session. We’ve always provided a more “standard” approach to bridal sessions for the clients we provide wedding photography services to, but this is certainly inspiration to branch out. Thank you for sharing!